Author: Louis Emmi
Uber hopes to use self-driving vehicles as soon as 2020
Drunk driving is not a habit that you should get into. While it’s true that many people drive drunk and never get caught, the truth is that it’s always dangerous. Even if you don’t get caught, you could crash your vehicle or hit someone, causing serious injuries or deaths. One thing that could help prevent drunk driving crashes is the use of self-driving vehicles. According
Can dashcam footage help your DUI case?
The availability of dashcams is universal these days. Some civilian automobiles have one and most police vehicles have them. These devices show what happens when a person is pulled over, which takes away a lot of the guessing. In the past, people tended to defer to what the police officer claimed happened, but they can see it for themselves now. For a person facing a
Will you have to go to DUI school or treatment?
If you are convicted of a DUI in Pennsylvania, then you may be told to go through mandatory alcohol education, assessment and treatment. Assessment and treatment are required within the state. Sometimes known as “DUI school,” DUI treatment, education and assessments are used to help prevent people from reoffending. The DUI program may be part of a suspended sentencing arrangement or ordered as a part
Help save lives and avoid a DUI
Drunk driving is a danger to yourself, to people on the roads, to pedestrians and others. While the fortunate reality is that drunk driving fatalities have decreased by 31% overall in the last two decades, there is still a long way to go to prevent these accidents and save lives. In Pennsylvania, there were 314 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in 2017, while there were 10,874 in
Fall college events where police are on high alert for DUI
Autumn can be an exciting season for many college students. Upperclassmen are returning to campus to reunite with their classmates while first-years are now understanding what opportunities their universities can offer to them. It’s arguably the best time of the year to catch up with old friends and make new ones at social gatherings. Officers are aware of how hectic parties can get during the
Impairment: Know the rates of impairment in people
Although .08% is the legal limit for alcohol in your blood while driving, this limit doesn’t indicate that .08% is the first time when you’ll be impaired. Impairment starts much earlier, and you may notice the effects of alcohol long before you get close to a .08% BAC. How alcohol affects you depends on a number of factors, but there are some general explanations for
What should you do if you’re arrested for driving drunk?
You decided to go out with friends, but you didn’t take the time to make arrangements to get home safely. You thought you’d say under the limit and be able to drive yourself, but that’s not what happened. On your way home, you were stopped by an officer who saw you weaving. Now, you’re facing an arrest and charges. What should you do? 1. Don’t
How impaired are you under .08%?
Drunk driving is usually not something people intend to do. They might think that they’re not over the limit or that they’re capable of driving even when they’re not. While everyone does process alcohol differently, the truth is that any amount of alcohol in your blood can make it harder to make good decisions and more difficult to stay focused on the road. Even the
If you’re facing a DUI, get the right help
Drunk driving is one of the most talked about actions that people are told to avoid. Drivers know, from the first time they’re stepping into a vehicle, that it is not legal to drink and drive. Despite that, people still drink and drive every day. In many cases, people do get home safely. Since everyone metabolizes alcohol differently, some people can even drive fairly well
Alleged drunk driver hits flagger on Pittsburgh Road
If you drive while you’re intoxicated, one of the things that becomes an issue is that you put yourself and others at risk of a collision. This is particularly true in areas like construction zones, where the roads may not be as you remember. Take this case as an example. A man has been charged with a DUI for hitting a flagger on Pittsburgh road.