Protection From The Harsh Penalties Of A DUI Conviction
DUI penalties for each conviction increase in severity, with the main determining factors being your BAC and your history of DUI offenses. In Pennsylvania, a BAC of .08 or higher is the only evidence needed to convict you. This is why it is important to have legal representation at the earliest possible moment following your arrest.
We at Louis W. Emmi Attorney at Law are ready to assist you in any of these circumstances:
BAC .08 to .099
- First offense: Probation, $300 fine, alcohol safety school
- Second offense: Up to six months in jail, one-year license suspension, up to $2,500 fine, alcohol safety school
- Third offense: Up to two years in prison, one-year license suspension, up to $5,000 fine
The court may also require those with second and third offenses to install ignition interlock on their vehicles, and all offenses may result in mandatory alcohol treatment.
BAC .10 to .159
- First offense: Up to six months in prison, one-year license suspension, up to $5,000 fine, alcohol safety school
- Second offense: Thirty days to six months in prison, one-year license suspension, up to $5,000 fine, alcohol safety school, ignition interlock for one year
- Third offense, first-degree misdemeanor: Up to five years in prison, 18-month license suspension, up to $10,000 fine, ignition interlock for one year
- Fourth offense, first-degree misdemeanor: One to five years in prison, 18-month license suspension, up to $10,000 fine, ignition interlock for one year
The penalties for a BAC higher than .159 include steep fines, extended license suspension, and months or years in prison. You may also face court-ordered alcohol treatment and a mandatory ignition interlock at your own expense.
Even with a BAC less than .08, you may receive the most serious penalties if you are involved in an accident where someone is injured, if you drive a commercial vehicle or refuse a chemical test. Our goal is to minimize the harsh consequences of your DUI by seeking to have the charges dismissed. If dismissal is not possible in your circumstances, we will work for reduced charges or any exemptions relevant to your situation.
Do You Qualify For Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition?
If this is your first offense, depending on your record, you may be eligible for a program in Pennsylvania called accelerated rehabilitative disposition. Your case could be completely dismissed if you meet certain conditions of the program. In most cases, participants are required to complete rehabilitative programs. We can help you determine whether this could be an option for your case.
Schedule A Consultation With Us
Don’t wait for the penalties of a DUI conviction to ruin your life. Our lawyer has a proven record of aggressive representation for those in Pittsburgh facing these life-damaging charges. Call 412-341-8477 or use our online form to reach out to us.