Will you have to go to DUI school or treatment?
If you are convicted of a DUI in Pennsylvania, then you may be told to go through mandatory alcohol education, assessment and treatment. Assessment and treatment are required within the state.
Sometimes known as “DUI school,” DUI treatment, education and assessments are used to help prevent people from reoffending. The DUI program may be part of a suspended sentencing arrangement or ordered as a part of probation. Sometimes, judges send people who have received DUIs to these schools to learn more about alcohol dependency and the consequences of DUIs.
Can completing DUI schooling help your case?
Besides the fact that the DUI schooling is usually mandatory, it will help if you complete the program successfully. Not only will it educate you on why driving while intoxicated is so dangerous, but it could also get your driving privileges restored to you. If you don’t comply with the program’s requirements, then you may not be able to have your license reinstated as quickly.
If you are ordered to DUI treatment instead, this is a little different. There, you may receive an education on DUIs and alcohol use, but you may also be treated for addiction or other concerns. A judge may assign you to a treatment program if there are signs of substance abuse or addiction that could be helped by going through a program to get sober.
Our website has more information on DUIs and why it is important for you to fight back against the charges. If you are facing a conviction, your attorney can help you limit the damage the charge does to your reputation.