Category Archives: Family Law

Man moves home 8 years following divorce due to cancer

Sometimes, divorces tear people apart. Other times, the time separated can lead to reconciliation years later. Take, for example, a news article about a man who had been divorced from his ex-wife for eight years before finding out he had brain cancer. At that stage, his ex-wife started to take care of him. She took over providing him with medications, taking him to doctor’s visits

When business partners go through a divorce

Are you married to your business partner? If so, a divorce can mean big changes for both your personal and professional lives. Since the well-being of your company and employees is on the line, it’s imperative that you know which steps to take and the types of mistakes to avoid in the weeks and months to come. Here are a few things to keep in

Invalidating a prenup is possible under certain circumstances

A prenuptial agreement may seem like this mammoth contract, a legal steamroller that simply can’t be stopped. This idea is born out of a common misunderstanding about prenups: that they are somehow immune to a legal challenge. In actuality, they are quite susceptible to a legal challenge if the circumstances warrant such a challenge. One common reason why a prenuptial agreement is challenged and invalidated

Family law principles support ‘friendly’ divorce when possible

Pennsylvania family law provides for a no-fault divorce. If the parties agree to a divorce, they can allege that the marriage is irretrievably broken as the no-fault grounds. This does not necessarily eliminate issues of alimony, child custody and support. In most cases, where there is not agreement on those issues, a final divorce decree will not issue until the conflicts are resolved. There is

Family law sees changes in child custody beliefs and agreements

Pennsylvania and other states are witnessing changes in the way that child custody arrangements between parents are being handled in recent years. The changes are gradual but there is a growing concern about the needs of the children when parents separate and divorce. Creative arrangements and equal sharing are becoming more prevalent in family law courts. The old style of mother getting primary physical custody

Understanding the principles of a postnuptial agreement

When two people enter a marriage, the idea in mind is to be together forever. In reality, however, many Pennsylvania couples will experience a divorce that may end up in contentious litigation over financial assets, children and property. A divorce can often be a tumultuous process, but in truth, it doesn’t have to be. For many, the term “prenuptial agreement” is a familiar, albeit unromantic