Dedication And Compassion
In Difficult Times.

Comprehensive legal assistance in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Intoxilyzer 8000 makes mistakes that can harm you

Too many drivers in Allegheny County have convictions on their driving records because of errors on two of the state’s most common breathalyzer tests, the Intoxilyzer 8000. Drivers contend that the machine is simply wrong, that they were not intoxicated when the machine rang up breath alcohol levels high enough to convict them of driving under the influence. Costly convictions We’re not talking about a

Criminal defense may exist for accused who threw his salad

Some people save their rage for the wrong things. That would have to be true about a Pennsylvania man who must present a criminal defense to charges arising from an alleged outburst recently in a Wendy’s restaurant. Police say that, after complaining that there were not enough cucumbers in his salad, he threw his food at an employee and made a threat. The accused allegedly

Family law and immigration rules sometimes intersect

In Pennsylvania, the federal immigration laws impact many married couples. For example, it is a common event for a United States citizen to meet and marry a person from a foreign country. In most instances, family law principles and immigration law provisions will validate and recognize the marriage. The process does require voluminous paperwork that must be submitted to federal immigration authorities. The marriage will

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Louis Emmi

Louis Emmi