Off-duty Pennsylvania cop charged with drunk driving
Motor vehicle accidents can unfortunately occur on highways for a myriad of different reasons. Whenever alcohol use is claimed or suspected by authorities in these incidents in Pennsylvania, the potential consequences of a drunk driving charge or criminal conviction can result in many sleepless nights by those facing such accusations. Such may be the case after a recent incident involving an off-duty police officer from Luzerne County.
The female police officer was recently charged with DUI after crashing her vehicle while off duty. The 29-year-old cop was allegedly driving with a blood alcohol level of .115 percent at the time of the incident. She ended up rolling her Jeep, and it is alleged that this may have happened as she was passing another vehicle.
Pennsylvania State Troopers on the scene said the accused was unsteady and smelled of booze. During a field sobriety test, she allegedly showed signs of being impaired. She apparently told attending police that she had been looking for her cell phone when she lost control of the vehicle. There has been no indication of her employment status since charges were laid against her.
A drunk driving charge in Pennsylvania comes with many possible serious ramifications. Enlisting legal help may be an important step in fighting the charge aggressively. A lawyer will be able to determine whether police had probable cause to make an arrest and whether proper procedures were adhered to during the arrest. He or she will also be able to ascertain whether field sobriety tests were administered properly. If evidence is suppressed, it may be difficult for the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.