Criminal defense: Man faces drug charges after cops see to brawl
Sometimes when people lose their tempers, things can get physical. Even well-meaning individuals can get carried away in certain volatile situations as may have been the case with two Pennsylvania women this past Thanksgiving Day. However, the husband of the younger woman will need to mount an aggressive criminal defense to fight drug-related charges against him, although those charges are not directly related to the incident for which police were called.
The younger woman, 27, has been charged with misdemeanor domestic violence after the older woman suffered injuries after being hit in the head with a picture frame. She was treated at a nearby hospital and released. The 23-year-old husband of the younger woman was also arrested at the older woman’s home, for failing to appear in court on a charge of driving while his license was under suspension, drug paraphernalia charges and fictitious registration.
According to jail documents, police apparently found a marijuana pipe in the accused man’s vehicle. The couple remains in custody. The woman couldn’t post the $20,000 bond and the man couldn’t post a $1,000 bond.
Having an experienced criminal defense attorney when fighting serious charges like those related to drugs may be crucial to obtaining the best outcome possible. A Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney will evaluate a client’s specific situation to determine the best strategy to fight the charges. That could include questioning the constitutionality of an arresting officer’s methods of detention, arrest and searching of the accused or his or her property for contraband and how the officer actually seized the evidence.